Checkups & Cleanings – Woodway, TX  

Preventing Decay From Harming Your Child’s Smile

Regular dental checkups and cleanings are essential components of any good oral hygiene routine. By the time your little one’s baby teeth begin to erupt, six-month visits are necessary to keep cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems at bay. Because dental decay is a common problem among young smiles, Dr. Segall works tirelessly to catch cavities in their earliest stages and even prevent them altogether. If it has been more than six months since your child’s last dental checkup, give us a call to schedule an appointment.

Why Choose Hewitt Kids Dental for Checkups & Cleanings?

  • Safer, Enhanced Digital Imaging
  • Dental Insurance Welcome

Dental Sealants

As your child learns to properly brush their teeth, they may struggle to reach their molars and premolars, which are often the hardest to clean. Without proper protection, the pits and grooves on the chewing surfaces of these teeth can become targets for growing bacteria. But with dental sealants, we can apply a plastic coating that acts as a barrier and prevents food debris and bad oral bacteria from penetrating and causing tooth decay.

Non-Nutritive Habits

It’s normal for an infant or toddler to suck their thumb or use a pacifier to help self-soothe; however, as they grow older, this common habit can become a problem that has the potential to affect their facial development. Our team at Hewitt Kids Dental can offer suggestions and tips to minimize and eventually, eliminate these non-nutritive habits in a way that is effective and less stressful for your little one.

Fluoride Treatments

After completing your child’s thorough dental cleaning, we can apply additional fluoride to their teeth to better protect them in between appointments. As a naturally occurring mineral that is found in tap water, fresh fruits and vegetables, and many toothpaste brands, fluoride is safe to use when administered correctly and is highly beneficial for patients who are considered high-risk for dental cavities.

At-Home Dental Care

Making sure your child is capable of caring for their teeth and gums once they leave our office is important. Dr. Segall and our team of professionals will offer helpful recommendations, products, and tips to make brushing and flossing at home a breeze. Although you may need to observe or even assist during the early years, you will find that these positive habits will carry with them as they grow older.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer unfortunately knows no age, so while it is not as common among children, it is still a concern. Our team at Hewitt Kids Dental wants to be as proactive as possible when it comes to cancer of any kind, which is why we provide oral cancer screenings. Dr. Segall will closely examine your child’s lips, tongue, cheeks, throat, and facial structure to check for any abnormalities or signs that point to a potential problem. If any are found, we will connect you with a local specialist for further testing.